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What Is It Like to Live in a Van

Information technology'southward not for anybody, but if you're reading this, y'all likewise may be able to alive in a van. No longer is living in a van and then fringe and the old stereotypes (dirty hippy, pedophile, crazy person) are being dissolved. Van life is for once, getting kind of cool.

van life is getting cool

How to live in a van


A common question ishow to brand van living piece of work financially. I find that van dwellers typically autumn into one of three categories:

  • Seasonal employment: those that work at ski resorts, wilderness firefighters, landscapers, and many positions with park services
  • Employment on the road: many dirtbags living in vans are able to find short-term positions along their travels; others are digital nomads—those with internet-based jobs who accept the flexibility to work remotely
  • Salvage and travel: this group of van dwellers has saved enough for extended travel

And while most van dwellers are on the move, it tin make a lot of sense if you're committed to a unmarried location, likewise. A guy at Google is doing it and my good friends from college saved thousands of dollars on hire by living in a van—they traded beer for a spot to park and shower.


Parking differs depending on whether you're frequently traveling or staying stationary for extended periods of time. If traveling, free camping is available throughout National Forest lands and for a fee, you tin can park in established campgrounds that offer admission to various amenities.

Some van dwellers volition as well negotiate deals to park on individual property. I've heard rumors of diverse climbing gyms allowing climbers to park in their lots, as well.

Of course, you won't always take a campground or holding available. It's not uncommon for van dwellers to spend occasional nights in Walmart parking lots (ofttimes legal and accepted), on side streets, in 24hr business parking lots, etc. Of course, be responsible and check the legalities before pulling over for the night—some cities have restrictions confronting sleeping in a vehicle.

Living in a van

Getting and building a van

You may choose to buy a pre-owned, already-converted vehicle. This option tin save hundreds of build-out hours and it can save money, also. Options for finding a used van include Craigslist, eBay, or sites like Sprinter-Forum.

Alternatively, you can buy a van that'south not already converted and complete the build yourself or with professional aid. Pop models include Sprinters, Dodge ProMasters, Chevy Astros, Vanagons, and others.

A follow-upwardly mail service volition be focused on the van conversion process, as I'grand currently doing this myself.


To avoid the stereotype mentioned previously, hygiene is an important cistron of van life. Of course, yous can be a dirtbag and shower a few times a calendar month, but information technology doesn't have to be that mode. Many van dwellers are able to maintain a similar level of cleanliness every bit when living in a house. Here's how:

  • Showers: information technology's non every bit hard as you may remember. In cities, van dwellers may cull to attend a climbing gym (or conditioning facility) that offers showers. They may also arrange for admission to a friend's shower. When off the grid, you tin: 1) use showers at campgrounds; 2) at many climbing destinations, a local business will offer showers; three) get a solar shower; 4) get one of these; or, 5) shower in a river or lake.
  • Tidiness: it'due south important to have a schedule for laundry and cleaning. Setting bated a time each week for chores will keep your space make clean. Later on all, y'all only have 1 room to look afterwards!
  • Going to the restroom: avery common concern for those non living in a van. There are options: 1) use public restrooms as much every bit possible; 2) create (or purchase) a portable toilet when a public pick is non available; iii)responsibly (follow these guidelines) go in nature.

Now you lot may exist wonder,

Why live in a van?

The choice to alive in a van is personal, and everyone has their own depict. I've outlined the most popular reasons, understanding that not all of them volition exist applicative to your unique scenario.

Why live in a van: v reasons

i. To salvage money

Avert the alluring (typically unnecessary) upgrades, and living in a van is very economic.

Priceonomics did some enquiry into the financials of living in a van, explaining: "If you bought a used camper van from the 1980s, it's unlikely to lose much more value under your watch. If yous fix it up, information technology may even accept appreciated in value when you wait to sell it. If you resell it for anywhere near what yous paid for it, you break even in just a couple of months. If you found a great deal on a van, you'd break fifty-fifty sooner."

Personally, I was living in San Luis Obispo, California prior to van life. At $650 per month, I lived in half a garage, non much bigger than 100 square feet (it's far worse in the Bay Area) . Piling student loan payments on peak of $650 per month to live in a garage with no buying , I had myself questioning whether paying monthly hire was the best pick.

If yous purchase an unfinished van, a significant expense is upfront in the build-out process. Renovations could cost anywhere from $1500-$3000 (electrical, vent fan, solar, flooring, insulation, etc.) and costs volition vary depending on the amount of work needed to be completed professionally.

Only the upfront investment pays off by forgoing a rent payment; and once again, you'll have ownership—something you lot could turn around and sell when the time is right.

The savings can go toward paying off student debt, big wall gear, an IRA, travel, you name it.

2. For more freedom

Many van dwellers cull to alive in a van because of the freedom it provides. If you're funding van life in a fashion that allows for travel, you'll detect the experience to be very liberating. You won't be tied to a mortgage or utility bills and yous tin have an unlimited number of spots to feel at dwelling house.

3. Personal growth

If yous plan on living in a van for the residual of your life, that's one thing. Simply for most of the states, information technology's not a long-term commitment. Spending one-two years in a van can be an incredible learning feel:

  • The build-out procedure provides a crash course in construction, solar power, and blueprint.
  • You'll have a lot of time to look inward and discover how to keep yourself content. And every spot yous go to is a new beginning; information technology teaches y'all how to become acquainted in new environments and quickly make new friends.
  • On the move, y'all'll be exposed to many cultural differences. Arkansas sure isn't like California, and information technology's valuable to experience the many worldviews.

4. To cutting back

In a 1962Atlanticessay, Edward T. Chase fabricated the statement that, "… we in the United States are evolving beyond what J.K. Galbraith calls the 'consumption society'—one that has mastered the problems of production—and are approaching a new order of society, the guild of self-realization."

Hmm, how'd that pan out?

As the post-obit TED Talk explains, Americans at present have 3x the corporeality of habitation infinite we did 50 years agone. Despite this actress space, personal cocky-storage is a $22b/twelvemonth industry—our extra space can't keep upwards with our spending.

A van provides constraint; you tin only allow the all-time inside, and all else must be pushed aside. And the benefits? Less debt, a lower environmental impact, and maybe even more happiness.

5. It'due south a challenge

Allow's be articulate: living in a van isn't all beauty and bliss. Don't be fooled by the thousands of perfectly-captured #vanlife shots on Instagram.

It can be hard and many van dwellers get burnt out. Challenges include finding a spot to park, loneliness, and the lack of stability that tin can come with being on the move. But, as most stone climbers can agree: the greatest growth ofttimes comes from the biggest challenges. Van life is a adventure; information technology's a claiming and adventure that will button you in exciting ways.

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